Invitation from Angela Merkel
We were very surprised when we opened our postbox today. With great joy and, we would lie if we said it wasn't so, with a little bit pride, we're happy to tell you, that we got an invitation for an event at the „Bundeskanzerlamt“ by Angela Merkel.
The letter which we received says: „Also your organization did great effort within the last months in the matter of refugee aid. Because of this effort, I would like to say thank you and ask you to chose one voluntary working person that will attend the event.“
We didn't have to think about for long, who is gonna go, we decided, that our friend Fawzi will go to Berlin to meet the Federal Chancelor and represent out organization. Fawzi is from Yemen and is an important part of Flüchtlingshilfe Flensburg e. V. He is working 7 days a week and helps people who are in need without thinking about himself. We are very happy for him, that his work is honored by such an event.
At the same time we would like to say, that we are very thankful for each and every single volunteer who is working for our organization and helps our new friends every single day. For our understanding, one is going to Berlin to represent every single helper. The fact that we received this invitation, is a merit for all of us.
As it is written in the letter: "It is thanks to the commitment of numerous voluntary workers, that the many tasks of the arrival and first provision of refugees, which can be support in everyday life or in the learning of the German language, can be overcome."