Membership Refugee Council Schleswig-Holstein
From now on our organisation is a official member of the refugee council Schleswig-Holstein. The council was founded in 1989 is working as an official NGO and coordinates ans supports refugee help and selforganisation in Schleswig-Holstein. During the last years we already had contact to some officials from the organisation at network-meetings or further educations.
With our membership we are looking forward to a good cooperation which will develope us as an organisation but also supports our volunraty and professional workers as individuals.
Besides other activities the council is operating in follwing fields which are impotant for us:
- Information and Further eduactions in the field of asylum, migration, escape …
- Public eventes about actual political activities
- Informative support to other organosation in the field
- Councelling for refugees
- Coordinating and bulding networks
Besides the individuell developement and networking, the membership in the council implements a big step for us in the matter of regional networking. We are still working on becoming a sustainable organisation in Flensburg. Besides a stabil financial base, it also implements a steady developement of our knowledge, the content and quality of our work and a network that goes over the borders of Flensurg – we want to be ready for upcoming situations.