Welcoming Refugees on Campus!

15. April 2016

Infos about studying in Flensburg.

Are you planning to enrol at university or university of applied sciences soon? If so, the come to the Campus Tour, where students from different programmes will show you the campus life and talk about their own experiences. In addition to this, experts will be ready to provide you with useful information about study opportunities in Flensburg.


10.30 am Welcome in Campelle
11 am Campus Tour
12.30 pm Lunch in Mensa (cafeteria)
1.45 pm Information session about studies and german courses

When: 23rd May 2016
Time: 10.30 am
Adress: Campelle on Campus at Europa-Universität Flensburg

Please confirm your attendance and preferred faculty before the 9th May by phone or by email.

Contact Persons Dilara Shayegan: dilarashayegan@gmail.com
Contact Person Ledis Celorio:+49 176 86559235

Here you can download the flyer:

Welcoming Refugees on Campus

Welcoming Refugees on Campus!

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