We are looking for voluntary help

14. Februar 2017

Support for our office

Since more than two years we are working every day to help our new fellow citizens. Since the work is getting more and more and our organization shows professional structures, more and more bureaucratic work appears such as accounting or alike. That kind of work is very important. If that work is not done, we would have less time to work for and with our new friends. At the moment our friend Monika is working very hard on these issues and is having the back of other people in the house – Monika, you are great – thanks for everything. To support Monika and divide the work load on different shoulders, we are looking for someone who can help us for a few hours a week. Everyone who has the time and is interested in helping us is free to contact Monika. She will explain and help you with everything. Besides the named topics, you will work together with great people and you will get to know friendly and interesting people every day. We would be more than happy if you would like to join our team.

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