Santiano at Flens-Arena

05. Januar 2016

Cast off, free ride Santiano.

Only a phone call and a meeting and everything was arranged. The guys from Santiano are truly uncomplicated, down to earth and dedicated. At the last concert of the ''Von Liebe, Tod und Freiheit Tour'' we collected money for the work of our organisation. Besides the given donations we really liked the clear statement of the band about the actual controversy. We, the people of Flensburg, should not live in fear and let us take away our freedom. No matter if the people belong to ISIS or PEGIDA. The more connected you are to your home the more often you should open your doors and windows. In the end we could collect a stately amount of donations which was generously extended by the band itself. We say thank you to the likeable band and the great team—all the best for you.

Santiano at Flens-Arena

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