Round table for volunteers and the interested public

17. Januar 2017

On Tuesday the 24th of January, we kindly invite you to our next „Round table for volunteers and the interested public in the work with and for refugees“.

The event will take place at Flüchtlingshilfe Flensburg e. V., Schiffbrücke 45. We will start with a buffet at 6.30 pm and the topical part will begin around 7.15 pm. Everybody is welcome to bring something for the buffet. 

This time we invited experts, Mrs. Schallock (City of Flensburg), Mrs. Heiss (Migration Office) and  Mrs. Mewes (Jobcenter), that can give us information and answer questions in the matter of „own flat and moving for asylum seekers“. All volunteers and interested people are more than welcome to join us and bring all their matters of interest or importance and questions.

Last years round table

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