Lecture about the asylum procedure

25. Januar 2016

Understanding the steps of the asylum procedure.

In 2015 more than 1 million refugees seeked shelter in Germany. 35.000 of them in Schleswig-Holstein. Most of them came from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Eritrea. In Schleswig-Holstein they are quartered in “first admission facilities“, afterwards they are distributed on all administrative districts, offices and municipalities. Only then the asylum procedure starts for most of the refugees. The asylum procedure seems often illogical and confusing—for the refugees as well as for german supporters. On this event we want to take a closer look at the different steps of the asylum procedure. Besides it’s about how you can help refugees and avoid mistakes while doing so.

Organizer: Ortskulturring Schafflund
When: 1st February
Time: 7.30 pm
Adress: Meyner Straße 29, 24980 Schafflund (entrance hall of the primary school)

No admission but please announce your visit by calling +49 4639 76 76.

Lecture about the asylum procedure

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