HAPPY WELCOME in Flensburg

19. Februar 2016

A great movie about arriving in Germany.

The NGOs Sportpiraten Flensburg e.V. and Flüchtlingshilfe Flensburg e.V. bring the movie HAPPY WELCOME to Flensburg.

The cinema-documentation HAPPY WELCOME shows the journey of four people from Clowns without borders to eight refugee camps in Germany. While the clowns spend time with children and adults in the camps, they are saying: “Welcome to Germany!“ Members from Clowns without borders will be present.

The three screenings will take place at the UCI KINOWELT Flensburg (address: Süderhofenden 14, 24937 Flensburg). The admission is 3 € per person. Any money that is left after covering the costs will be donated tot he organizations.

Time of the screenings:

  • Monday, 14.03. at 10 am for schools from Flensburg
  • Monday, 14.03. at 8.30 pm for “spontanious“ guests
  • Tuesday, 15.03. at 10 am for schools from Flensburg

Please announce your visit at flensburg@uci-kinowelt.de. The trailer gives you a first impression of the movie.

The movie “HAPPY WELCOME“.

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