Great voluntary effort

01. Februar 2019

Activities in January 2019

We are raising data about our monthly activities to get an overview over what we have done during the months and how many people we could reach with our projects. It gives us important insights about which topics are current and offers possibilities in order to develope our work regarding to the peoples needs.

It is important to us to share these statistics in order to show the value of the voluntary work- It also shows clearly that that the work of volunteers is still needed. Against the idea that help is not needed anymore while no new arrivings of people to Flensburg happen we can see that the way into an equal participation still needs support.

In our open drop-in-center for support, we helped 304 people directly within 4 weeks. We handled 570 cases. 65 times volunteers have been present with a total amount of 252,5 hours.

Above that 51 people got legal advice from a practicing barrister which comes to our facilities every wednesday, 84 children participated in the children project and on three mondays we coul cound 34 participants at the women project.

Several weekly German classes took place, we accompanied people to their appointments and helped them moving. We also advised people who were interested in voluntary work.

We would like to say thank you to all voluntary helpers! We always do better together!

Aktiv werden und helfen!

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