Escape and Arrival – Life on a smartphone camera

02. Dezember 2016

Vernissage at the city hall.

Around 50 people attended the vernissage for „Escape and Arrival“ at the city hall. People came to see 8 different stories from 8 different people and got in dialogue with each other. The whole event was accompanied by two young arabic musicians from Yemen and Syria. The biggest part of the exhibition has been realized and concepted by our friend Fawzi Al-Dubhani. Fawzi is from Yemen and supports us and the people in need every day without getting tired. We cannot say it often enough, but we cannot put in words how very thankful we are. Dear Fawzi – you are amazing.

We would also like to say thank you to the people that have been so brave to share their personal and emotional pictures with us. In the last months we had the opportunity to get to know each of them – every single person is great and a great addition to our community. Maybe the exhibition will open the eyes of a few more people and start a process of thinking differently. Next year, the exhibition will be available for schools and other interested institutions. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us.

We want to thank all participants for this great day.

Die Ausstellung Gäste der Vernissage Die zwei arabischen Musiker Gäste und Musiker bei der Vernisage Vernissage im Rathaus Die Ausstellung im Rathaus

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