Cozy talk at the Tableau

09. Februar 2016

Improvisation is everything.

Actually people came in the tableau last night to listen to a speech “From Syria to Germany – a hard journey to freedom“ from a syrian refugee. Unfortunately the lecture could not talke place—but no problem because improvisation is everything. Present members from the organisation “Refugees Welcome – Flensburg, Bündnis für ein buntes Flensburg“ and Flüchtlingshilfe Flensburg e.V. could inform the audience about the work for and with refugees in Flensburg. Spontaniously, a syrian refugee who was attending the event as well talked about his journey and his actual situation in Flensburg. Afterwards, a story of another syrian refugees was read—the author wrote down his story in detail and in a very emotional way. On top of that he was reading a self-written poem in which he clearly expressed his thankfulness and sympathy towards Germany. In the end, the evening ended with a question round so all the attending people had a very informative evening. Thanks to all participants fort he great and cozy evening.

Cozy talk at the Tableau

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