Art auction in favour of the refugee work in Flensburg

01. Februar 2016

For a good cause.

It was Saturday evening when paintings from artists of the region have been sold in favor of our organisation as well as for the institution Refugees Welcome Flensburg. Artists from Denmark and Germany donated their paintings for the good cause. Many people attended the event in the “alte Walzenmühle“ in Flensburg.

Helmut Ermer did a great job by moderating the event and knew how to entertain. Also an artist from Syria was present. The man used the art to overcome his escape from Syria. One of his paintings hew was donating to the auction—it was by far the most touching painting of the evening. A generous bidder bought did not only buy the painting for a respectable price, she also donated the painting straight afterwards to our organization. The painting will find a great place in our new facilities and will always remind us why we are doing this work—thank you very much! In the end of the evening, more than 3.000 Euro have been collected!!!

We would like to thank all participants and especially for the great organization of the event.

Art auction in favour of the refugee work in Flensburg

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