A festival for everyone

04. Juli 2016

Let's celebrate the end of Ramadan together.

Team Sama Syria and Flüchtlingshilfe Flensburg e.V. are inviting everyone to a big festival where everybody is welcome.

Because of the end of Ramadan (Eid Al-Fitr), everybody is welcome to celebrate an unforgettable party with us. The event is organized and planed by our new fellow citizen and provides a colorful program with english and arabic music, dance, comedy, presents for children, a quiz and competing games. Because of war, it is for many people the first Eid Al-Fitr for years.

We do not only want to celebrate the end of Ramadan but also want to show the people in Flensburg the arabic culture. In this way, our new fellow citizen also want to thank the people of Flensburg for their help and support. We will celebrate

When: 6th July 2016
Time: 4 pm till 9 pm
Adress: Gemeindesaal St. Jürgen Kirche (Jürgensgaader Straße 1)

A festival for everyone

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