A day of meeting

05. September 2016

Get to know each other!

The upcoming weekend is in the sign of people with different cultural backgrounds meeting and talking.

On Saturday at 10 AM, the day starts with breakfast at ,,Brasseriehof‘‘ (Große Straße 42–44).

From 1 PM on, different bands will play great music and take care of the entertainment. There will be oriental food as well as a program for children.

At 7 PM ,,Bündnis für ein buntes Flensburg‘‘ organized an event in remembrance of the last year with a special summary of the situation at the train station in Flensburg last summer. Together with volunteers and some of our new fellow citizen, we want to take a look at the current situation and the future.

On Sunday, the weekend will end with the weekly breakfast which will take place at Brasseriehof this time.

A weekend with many great events and possibilities to meet each other and make new friends. Everybody is welcome!

A day of meeting

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