Donation from Eckener Schule

28. February 2017

Running for the good cause

In September 2016 Eckener Schule in Flensburg organized an UNICEF Charity run for the 6th time. The concept is easy. Students find sponsors, that donate an amount for each single round the student is running. Last September, the students raised 6.647,- Euro for the good cause. This year the donation of the money was focusing on the global refugee situation. As every year, UNICEF received half of the money. The organization supports people in crisis regions such as Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. Instead of spending the other half on internal projects as usual, Eckener Schule decided to support our organization and the local refugee aid. We are very happy and amazed about this great gesture. With this donation, we can guarantee the realization of different projects and events in the future. We would like to thank Eckener Schule and all the students who were running for the good cause. This great action of Eckener Schule shows once more, that help is needed everywhere in the world. In war areas, where people are suffering hunger and where their life is in danger every single day, refugee camps in neighbour countries and also in the middle of Europe people need our help since they are exposed to unhuman circumstances. Only together and with great solidarity and help we support these people in need. Our big thanks and respect goes to Eckener Schule for this incredible human and helpful action. 

Students from Eckener Schule, that participated in the run.

Be active and help!

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