A few words from Brigitte.
It has been one month since the general meeting elected our new board. The new board which consists of Brigitte Handler (chairman), Pia Knies (2nd chairman) and Monika Krause (treasurer) have been very active during the last weeks. Within the next weeks we want to take care that our organization will be more structured an get more professional.
Our new chairman is very happy about the upcoming challenges: “It’s important not to close your eyes for what’s happening in our world. We are living in a region where our live is good and we are not missing anything. We have a roof over the head, clean water and a life in peace. It’s important for me to give something back. During the last years I met many nice and lovely people which had to leave their countries for sad reasons. What the organization with its volunteers did over the last two years is great. They did an excellent job. I am very happy and I think it’s a very meaningful task to give my knowledge and experience to others. It’s fun and very important that the young ones learn from the old ones and the other way around. That’s great for each of us.”
Within the next weeks and months we will professionalize our organization more and more in order to help our fellow citizen as good as possible. We are looking forward and will inform you about all important changes.